Now that you have heard my tragic story of how my fat girl cherry was popped. Here is the story about how I became a Happy Fat Girl. So after getting through elementary and middle school with lots of scrapes and bruises because I didn't take people teasing lying down. I was an angry fat girl and I figured to quote the Fabulous Ms. Mo'Nique if I couldn't be a stick, baby I could be a stone.
I had escaped all the kids I went to school with by going to a magnet school in the suburbs but after getting really sick and having to drop out of the program I ended back in my home school with all my tormentors. After my mom registered me I literally cried the whole way home. The thought of having to face all again was just too much and the worse part was my best friends were at my other school so I had lost my Fat posse. FYI: A Fat posse is a group of true friends that always have your back and see nothing wrong with good buffet. For the first couple of weeks I was like the walking dead. I hated being there and it didn't take long before I had to deal with Fat girl moments every where I turned. My personal favorite is when a group of boys would make elephant sounds I walked by in the halls. (Boom, Boom, Boom)
My only solace was my journalism class with my favorite teacher, Ms. E. She was an ex-hippie who really liked working in a inner city school and she didn't care that she was one of the few white teachers on staff. She always encourage me to write what I felt and she let me have full reign on the op/ed page. In her class I got my confidence back and I became more acclimated to school. The topping on the cake was I convinced my best friends to transfer schools so I had my Fat posse again. I was doing pretty good, I mean I still had to deal with crap but it looked like it might be slowing down.
Then one day it happen I had the ultimate Fat girl moment that lead to the biggest catalyst of my life. After brutal incident involving a kid kicking my chair from under me and making me crash to the floor all while making a crashing sound, I lost it. So I ran to my journalism class to seek some solace and thats when Ms. E suggested I write about how all the teasing and ridicule made me feel. I looked at her like she was crazy. She wanted me to put my feelings out there so that they could more ammo against me. Then she told me a big secret about herself and she offered to write a piece about her own experiences anonymously, of course. So I did it. I wrote about how hard it was to be myself when everyone else made sure to make me feel like a freak. I mean I was just Fat and no amount of teasing was gonna change that and when it was all said and done they were missing out on a pretty awesome person because they couldn't see pass the weight.
One week later the article came out and as I was walking down the hallways of school I noticed everyone reading the paper. I guess what helped is that right next to my article was a story about being gay in high school written anonymously, of course. When I walked into my first class of the morning I was greeted with applause. I was freaking shocked. All day people kept telling me how much they liked my piece and that they didn't know how I felt. It was crazy, I even had people tell me their own stories about being picked on. That day I went home and I took a long look in the mirror and realized that need to do what I wrote in that article. I needed to love me , all of me and to accept the fact that I am a Fat girl and I am better for it. After that the teasing pretty much stopped and I became the Happy Fat Girl everyone knows today.
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