My last post was about how to make your New Year's resolutions come to fruition, so I decided that I should share with my readers my own resolution for the new year. I want to be able to forgive people and not hold grudges. I have always struggle with being able to do this. I tend to hold on to things for a really long time but I have come to the realization the only person I hurt when I do this is myself.
You can blame it on my zodiac sign, my gender or my culture but the truth of the matter is that it is much easier to hold on to the past hurts than to let them go. I guess because sometimes those past hurts are all we have to remember of that person. The good memories tend to fade a lot faster than the bad ones. Think back on some of the people who may have hurt you in your life and see if you can get past the bad memories to find a good one. I bet it was hard to do, right?
So this year I have decided to let go of all those bad memories and also to get rid of the negativity around me to focus on the positive. As any good self-help guru will tell you focusing on the positive things in life will bring the many blessings your way. Oh, and if your resolution for the new year was to lose excess weight try dropping the negative people out of your life and you will see how much lighter you feel. Winston Churchill once said "a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Let's make 2010 the year of the optimist and let go of the pain, hurt, anger, resentment, and the negativity.