- Get your ticket in order- Pre-print your boarding pass so all you have to do is check in and certain airlines well let you pick your seat when you buy your ticket, which is great because you can pick a good seat. I love the emergency row cause you will have a lot more leg room and space to maneuver around.
- Take the red eye- If you don't mind traveling at night take the red eye flight because there are less chances of the flight being overbooked and more chances for you to get another seat just for yourself. One time I got a whole row to myself and I stretched out the whole flight and slept.
- Ask for the seat belt extender- I know for some people you may get embarrassed to ask for the seat belt extender so what I recommend is asking the stewardess for it before you sit down. Safety first, plus a really cool stewardess will know how to slip it to you real slick like and no one will notice.
- Get to the airport early- I know waiting around the airport for a couple of hours is no ones idea of fun but if you get there early enough you can grab something to eat, which will probably be way better than the airline food. You can pick up a good magazine or book to read on the flight. Also if your gate is far from your ticket counter, you can take a stroll instead of a jog to get there. Plus people watching at the airport is awesome especially if you are in a big one like MIA.
- Bring technology- MP3 player, laptop, PSP, Portable DVD player, whatever can distract you from the the craziness of traveling. Believe me it helps.
- Have Fun- If you are going somewhere new or even if it's just to Grandma's house you are going some where different, enjoy the time away from your everyday routine.
This is the story of girl who knows that Fat is just another word for Happy.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How to travel like a HFG
So every one knows that going to the airport as a fat person can be the biggest hassle in the world especially with the airlines trying to charge us extra for everything. Heck, even traveling like a skinny person these days can be awful, so how do you stay positive in the hell that is the airport.
Friday, July 10, 2009
How to be a Healthy HFG
Okay, now I know most people think being healthy and fat do not go together but even fat girls can take steps to make themselves healthier that don't involve massive dieting and exercise. Becoming healthy is easy if you look at it from a positive view point instead of the traditional method of doctors telling you all the wonderful diseases you will die from if you don't lose weight. Does this sound familiar? "So if you don't lose weight Ms. Mateo you run the risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems,thunder thighs, big ass-itis, death, etc." Hey doc, how about some positive reinforcement? So in a sometimes cruel and punishing world where being overweight is worse then being a terrorist, where doughnuts have become weapons of mass destruction, where being a size 00 is epitome of beauty (insert music from the world smallest violin) how can a fat girl stay happy and healthy? Here are a few tips that have worked for me. I don't have high blood pressure, which runs in my family. I am not pre-diabetic, which runs rampant in both sides my family. All I have is asthma but I have had that all my life and now I get an attack maybe twice a year. So I am pretty healthy and I never let my weight keep me down.
- Drink water. I don't drink anything expect for water. I don't drink coffee or soda. I barely drink juice or iced tea and I really have to be in the mood for it. I drink so much water that I can taste the differences in the water almost like a Sommelier can taste every flavor in a fine wine. Now I know your thinking there is no way you can just drink water but think of it this way all the calories you get from those sugary or caffeinated drinks can be better spent on good dessert, like a piece of pie. My challenge to you today is to replace one sugary drink with a big glass of water and you will see how much better you will feel after.
- Eat breakfast. I can not stress this one enough. See most people look at fat folks and think we stuff our face all day but the truth of the matter is often we skip meals like breakfast and sometimes even lunch thinking the less we eat the better. The truth is the more you eat the better, most doctors will tell you five small meals a day can give your metabolism a boost. You probably don't have time to eat five times a day but if you can manage to eat at least breakfast, lunch, and dinner you are golden.
- Sleep more. Studies show that adult female needs at least seven hours of sleep a day so if your not getting that you need to at least try for 6. You can take a twenty minute cat-nap to recuperate some of that time but still need to get your seven hours. Try to get on a sleep schedule and don't eat anything an hour before you go to bed. Sleep is very important because how can you be at your very best if you are tired.
- Eat brown. I'm talking whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, and brown rice. This one can be a toughie because sometimes whole wheat can taste like cardboard but if you find the right brand of whole wheat bread it can be good. I like Nature's Own. One of my favorite treats is sweet potato mashed potatoes. I make mine like you would make traditional mashed potatoes with butter and milk. Simply delicious.
- Get Wii Fit. I just tried this game out and it was great. I had so much fun and I was sore the next day like I had done a 30 minute aerobics class. You need to exercise so why not have fun doing it and if you can have your friends do it with you even better.
- Dance. If you can't afford a Wii Fit put on some music and dance. Go crazy and move your tucchus (that means butt for us gentiles). You will burn calories and have fun.
- Take a walk. No speed walking, I'm talking a nice stroll around the neighborhood. Get to know it well. If you live in a city, check out all the stores and restaurants around you. If you live in a suburb, look at the houses and the people in your neighborhood. If you live in a rural area, take a look at the wildlife and nature around you. Try to do this at least a couple times a week and you will see how different you feel.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Albums every HFG must have
I love music. I mean, I really love music. I can't imagine my life without it. I wake up in the morning with music running through my head and the soundtrack continues all day. Music is one way I remain a Happy Fat Girl. So here are a few albums I feel like every HFG should have to make their lives just a little brighter.
- I have to start off of course with the incomparable Ms. Jill Scott, who is the spokes-person for being an HFG. Who is Jill Scott? is one of my favorite albums and even if you aren't a fan of neo-soul you will find something you like on this album. I can guarantee it. Jill Scott's melodic voice and poetic soul simply makes life just a little easier.
- As much as I hate to admit this Beyonce Knowles B-Day is a must for HFG. Her music makes you feel good and the beats just make you want to dance. As I said before listening to"Get Me Bodied" can put that sexy strut in your walk.
- Even though Amy Winehouse is a hot mess, you can not deny that she makes some great music. Back to Black is testament to the talent and fierceness of Ms. Winehouse. I listen to "You know I'm No good" on those days I am feeling a little mischievous and I want to cause a little mayhem. Even a Happy Fat Girl has her naughty days ;) .
- Coming out of her Dirrty X-tina days, Christina Aguilera step back on to the scene with a Big Band, Jazz pop sensation entitled Back to Basics. You can help but love this album it makes you want to put on cute little dress and swing dance the night away.
- Okay my rocker chicks there is a little something for you in this list. I love The Veronicas album Hook Me Up with it's electro-pop beats it's kinda of hard no to rock out to the track "Take Me on the Floor". The Australian pop-rock duo has the right mix pop beats with a nice hard edge of rock.
- For my older HFG's, yes you can be a HFG at any age, you must go out there and by at least one Al Green album. You can't listen to Al Green without a smile on your face. Try it I dare you.
- Now every HFG needs so baby-making music to get her in the mood and nobody does that better then Robin Thicke. I bet that man is single-handedly responsible for the population boom in recent years with his album The Evolution of Robin Thicke. Listen to the the track "I need love" and you will know what I am talking about.
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